Showing posts with label ALSR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALSR. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sequence Route release (UYR 1, 2, 3) - Part 17


 Different way to energies ALSR- Part 2

It can be energies in the following ways.

  1. Sequence Route release. - UYR
  2. Full route Emg.. Cancellation.(Timer present) - EUYN
  3. Approach Track not occupied.(Timer present) - RRBUN
  4. Calling on Cancellation. 

  1. Sequence Route release.
When the signal is taken off, the train passes the signal and travel over the set route, thereby picking up the ALSR, only when the following condition are meet:

  1. The sequential route release relay UYR1,2,3 have picked up through ALSR back contact indicating the sequential, directional movement and arrival of train. 
  2. The track circuits in the entire route up to Berthing track have picked up behind the train.
  3. The controlling switch if any has been normalised or route release relay (NRRs picked up) concerned is dropped.
  4. The signal is put back to 'ON' and the controlling relay and indication relay have dropped.
Ones the ALSR picked up , on the arrival of train , the UYRs, drop, to be activated for another signaled movement and proved in HR circuit.

Ones picked up , ALSR gets it stick feed , bypassing NRRs back contact , back locking track circuits and approach locking circuit. etc..

This is to prevent dropping of ALSR, due to back lock track circuit dropping during other signal movement or track circuit failure or switch contact  failure when signal is not given.

Once ALSR picks up , the locking on the point is released.

-- Sequence(UYR) prove hota hai Track circuit k dawara.

-- Final UYR relay made slow to release.

-- Take ALSR() and Controlling Relay()

-- Normal cancellation path : LR() -> UCR() -> ALSR()

-- TSR() rahega tabhi Normal cancellation hoga.

-- It is to be understood that the Route locked for a signal movement should get
    released only after the train has arrived on proper signal in proper direction
    and the track circuits have been sequentially actuated by the train. 

-- This is registered by the picking up of sequential proving relays (UYRs (some 
    railways call them as TPZR, TSSLR etc.). 

--The pick up contact of UYRs are used to energise ASR in the normal route 
   release path.  

Write Sequence route release circuit for 1/C-1?

Use this UYR3 in ALSR circuit.

Why UYRs are made slow to release?

ASR picks up through UYRs front contact.  Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that after the train arrival UYRs do not drop unless sufficient time is given for ASR to pick up and stick.  Any failure in the time delay arrangement will not give sufficient time for ASR to pick up resulting to a failure and this aspect is to be taken care during maintenance for a trouble free working.

Summary of UYRs

UYRs are normally in de-energised condition.
UYRs are picked up to assist ASR to pick up, and it proves that train has
        successfully traveled over the route by sequentially occupying all the 
        tracks in the route.  
These relays are named after signal concerned.
Front contact used in ASR circuits and also for its stick path.
Back contact proved in HR circuit.
UYRs are having slow to release feature.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020



Approach (Lock) Stick Relay Circuits (ASR/ALSR) - Part 1

After checking the Route, it is to be locked( locked all the points in the route including in overlap & isolation ). For locking the route, ALSR to be de-energised. 

It is necessary to lock the route before a signal is taken off.  

- Every signal will be having one ALSR and the drop contact of ALSR is proved in HR pick up circuit to ensure locking of that signal route before the signal is cleared.  

-  ALSR stands for Approach Lock Stick Relay. ALSR is normally an energiesed relay with stick path provided .

- UCR checks the route whenever a route is set , if set route is found correct, UCR energises , which causes the ALSR to drop.

- In other word ALSR drops as soon as UCR picks up, since UCR back contact is proved in ALSR circuit.

- Dropping of ALSR causes OVSRs and TLSRs/TRSRs to drop .Thereby all points in route , overlap and isolation are locked as the front contact of ALSR, OVSR and TLSR/TRSRs are proved in NWLR/RWLR or WLR circuit. 

- The drop contact of ALSR, OVSR, and TLSR/TRSR are proved in HR circuit to prove that route is locked before signal is taken Off.

ALSR mainly consists of 3 circuits 

(a) Indication locking. (b) Back locking. (c) Approach locking 

- In Addition to the above locking , UCR  back contact is proved .

- All NRRs back contact concerned to that signal is also proved.

- Sequential route release and emergency cancellation circuits are take off from the circuit as shown in the diagram  .

Once ALSR picks up the locking effect on the signal route is released and all the points will become free.  Hence before a route is released, it must be ensured that the signal is normal and the movement is completed and the route tracks are clear.  To achieve that indication locking, route locking & approach locking applicable to a signal,  are proved in ALSR circuit.  

(a) Indication locking.

- Before releasing the Route i.e ALSR picking up, Signal assumed 'ON' aspect Proved in Indication Locking.

- For Color Light Signalling , RECR front contact is not used to prove the integrity of ON Aspect of signal Lamps, As Red Lamp Failure may cause the route Locking condition,thereby causing delay to traffic.

- To avoid the above under delay , instead of proving an energised contact of RECR , all the de- energised contact of signal controlling relays and there lamp checking relay (ECRs()) are proved.

(b) Back Or Route Locking

- After the train passes the signal , is shall not be possible for SM to alter the route unless the train clear the entire route. To achieve this Back or Route Locking is provided.

- All the track circuits just after the signal to the last point zone track in the route will be proved in back/route locking.

- where sectional route release is used , first Route section is directly controlled by ALSR concerned.

- The subsequent section is controlled by TLSR/TRSRs. Therefore only first route section tracks are proved in back locking of ALSR.

(c) Approach Locking

- Approach Locking is provided in ALSR circuit to prevent releasing of route in the face of an approaching train and to prevent the route being altered.

- Approach locking is providing in three parallel path. i.e
  1. Sequential route release path
  2. Cancellation path (Full route emg.. cancellation)
  3. Approach track path
- The above three path are the way to Energised ALSR .

When ALSR drops, the WLRs of points concerned drop and points become inoperative.  It is already understood that WLR should be in picked up position for any point to get operated.  This is the reason why WLR is controlled by ALSR and TPRs contact and WNR and WRR are controlled by WLR contact.  It will be also seen that ALSR and WLR back contacts will be proved in HR circuit to ensure that, both route and point are locked before signal is taken off.

ALSR can be energized in  4 ways. 
  1. Sequential route releaseOnly after the train travels on the entire route sequentially and clears  the route. i.e., the back lock TPRs are picked up.  (As we know the route shall not be released when the train is on route).  This condition is achieved by proving back lock track circuit relays in ALSR circuit and is known as back locking.
  2. Full Route Emg.. Cancellation: On cancellation with time delay when dead approach provided  or approach track occupied. 
  3. Approach track not occupied : On cancellation without any time delay when approach track provided and not occupied by train.
  4. Calling on cancellation : When ever due to Back locking track circuit failures, the route is locked (ASR not picked) then calling on knob reversed and calling on ASR drops. Immediately calling on knob is normalized and calling on cancellation is applied (CO-CAR up) calling on NJPR picks up after 240 seconds time delay which picks up the Main signal ASR.This way the route is released with out S&T Person’s intervention.

Note: we will discuses energization of ALSR in detail in next lesson


ALSR is normally picked up (through its own stick path)
ALSR when energized, indicates that the route is free / signal concerned is not taken off.
Each signal will have one ALSR or if a group of signals have common points and only one signal can be taken off at a time, as in the case of starters they may have a common ALSR.

ALSR front contact is used in WLR, TRSR/TLSR, TSR and conflicting UCR circuit.
To prove that a signal is not taken off, its ASR front contact can be used.  This feature is used to achieve locking of conflicting signals.  In fact ALSR is the ideal relay to achieve interlocking between two conflicting signals.  As ALSR can pick up only when the train has arrived and cleared backlock tracks.

ALSR back contact is used to give route locked indication on the panel.
ALSR back contact is used in HR circuit to prove that route is locked before signal is taken  ‘off’.
ALSR back contact is also used in picking up route release relays i.e., UYRs to ensure that, they pick up only when the train is arriving on proper signals.

ALSR back contacts are used in Timer circuits also to ensure that the timer is initiated only when the route is locked.


Monday, April 27, 2020



From Next Part we will start learning Circuits but before that we should also know in Circuits what all things are going to see .

- First we will See The Station Yard Layout and in complete circuits we will create circuits according the the Same Layout. And the Layout is given Below.

- We will Start from Step by step i.e from start to end.
To Write any Circuit we should know the Flow chart  and based on that i will teach you how to write Circuit in a simple way .

- Lets see the Flow Chart First.

- Our target is to OFF the Signal to Green or Yellow according to our requirement. for that we have to press two button that is GN and UN.

- Means GN+UN and we have to reach till HR and in between many other circuits will come but it will b the part of HR Circuits.

- Circuits which we will be see in coming lessons are



3) UNR

4) LR


6) UCR





11) UYR





To clear a Signal, SM has to ensure that the following conditions are fulfilled.

• The track circuits are clear.

• LC gate if any is closed

• Crank handles are ‘in’ and locked

• Knob of conflicting signals are normal

• Point knob is in centre position or in the same position of points required to be set

• Route is released after the last operation and not locked by any other conflicting signal.

• Point free indication, is available.

• SM key is `in’ and turned

• Line Clear obtained for LSS

• Time cancellation is not in progress
