- Full Form: Station Masters Control Relay
- This relay is energized when the SM’s panel key is `IN’ and turned to Normal Position. (यह रिले तब सक्रिय होती है जब SM पैनल कुंजी `IN 'होती है और नार्मल पोजीशन में टर्न्ड हो)
- Purpose : The Energisation of SMCR/SMR relay provides authorized operation of all the functions on the panel.(SMCR / SMR रिले का एनर्जाइज़ेशन पैनल पर सभी कार्यों का अधिकृत संचालन प्रदान करता है।)
- The energised contacts of SMCR are used in button circuits(Except GNR Circuits), point operation circuits, route initiation circuits, route cancellation circuits, emergency circuits, crack handle circuits, timer circuits etc.
- When SM's key is turned to reverse or locked position and taken out from the panel by SM, the SMR relay drops.
- It prevent un-authorized operation and Lock the panel in last operated position.
- except throwing the signal to danger.
- Lets try to operate the point no 51 but point will not move. In the similar way try to lower signal but the signal cannot be taken OFF.
- In Emergency signal can be put back to ON position by pressing and releasing signal button concerned and EGGN button.